Best in Show 22×30
Emergence 15×22
Last Minute Jitters 30×22
The Lighthouse in San Luis, Avila Beach 30×22 Sasse Museum of Art
Last Prairie Lighthouse, Avila Beach, CA 30×22
Sea Nettles 22×15 San Diego Museum of Art, Artist’s Guild 2020
Songs of Spring 8×22
Ted’s Dream 22×30
Wacky Pelican 22×30
Rainbow Egret 30×22
Camouflaged in Coral 22×30
Day and the Farm, Avila Beach 22×30
Lower Falls 22×15
Pointsettias 22×15
Sea Life 22×30
Standing in Bramble 30×22
Visiting Soladad Mission 22×30 National Watercolor Society

The Art of Passion 22×15
Dragon Totom 22×11

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Watercolor and the Game of Chess

“Watercolor is like the game of Chess.  You make a move and then the watercolor makes a move.  You are always reacting to the move the watercolor makes before you make your next move.  You play until the very end.  Sometime you win and sometimes you lose but you always enjoy the game.” NE Caldwell

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